Saturday, April 3, 2010

Virtual Paint Simulator Technology At Wichita Area Technical College

Hi Blog Buddies!
This past week and this upcoming week Wichita Area Technical College has and will be hosting a couple Board of Education meetings for the Towanda Board of Education at our National Center for Aviation Training. Last Wednesday while visiting with various folks from Towanda and getting caught up with a few instructors I don't get to see on a daily basis, I had an opportunity to experience one of the latest pieces of technology to come on board at WATC...Our Virtual Paint Training Simulator! One word... AMAZING! With a little explanation from Jon Pine, Senior Learning Officer and Kevin Henning, Adjunct Instructor, I thought it would be fun to see how challenging it actually was and gave it a shot. Needless to say, I would need quite a bit more practice before I could be certified "Obviously", but it was fun and very interesting and wanted to give you a little glimpse at this AMAZING new technology. Enjoy!


  1. Great job but I think you should continue your regular day job too! ;-)

  2. Thanks Jessica! I think I will keep my job in Admissions, it obviously suits me better! LOL! :)
