Saturday, May 8, 2010

WATC - Wichita River Festival May 7, 2010 - "River Me Timbers"

Hi Blog Buddies! 

Friday, May 7, 2010, the streets of Downtown Wichita were lined with Pirates, Scallywags, Landlubbers, and of course a parrot or two! As a crowd of approximately 45,000 people cheered on local businesses, political officals, organizations and schools including Wichita Area Technical College as they energetically moved along the River Festival Sundown Parade route. Over 60 WATC Faculty, Staff, and Students gathered to show our FABULOUS school spirit and display to the public for the first time our refreshing new logo, school colors, and of course our totally awesome custom Pirate Ship made exclusively for the 2010 River Festival! Our Pirate Ship was built from scratch by our highly skilled and creative instructional staff. Quite a few of our students at our Grove Campus also jumped in and helped out on the project. Stay tuned to for pictures documenting the building of the WATC Pirate Ship from beginning to completion. I as well as the rest of our crew that participated were so super excited to hear as our float pulled back into the staging area that we won "Best Use Of Theme" for this year's event! If you were unable to catch us at the Sundown Parade, check out this video. Go Team WATC!!!!


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