Saturday, May 22, 2010

Wichita Area Technical College - Licensed Practical Nurse - Pinning Ceremony Spring 2010

Hi Blog Buddies!

A pinning ceremony is a symbolic welcoming of newly-graduated nurses into the nursing profession.  Wichita Area Technical College participates in this long honored tradition each year with its Licensed Practical Nursing graduates.  The new nurses are presented with nursing pins by the faculty of the nursing department.  Below you will find a short video of our Spring 2010 pinning ceremony.  I would like to send out a heartfelt congratulations to all of our students, faculty, and staff who worked so hard and put many hours of study and effort into this extremly intense yet tremendously rewarding program offered by Wichita Area Technical College!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

WATC - Wichita River Festival May 7, 2010 - "River Me Timbers"

Hi Blog Buddies! 

Friday, May 7, 2010, the streets of Downtown Wichita were lined with Pirates, Scallywags, Landlubbers, and of course a parrot or two! As a crowd of approximately 45,000 people cheered on local businesses, political officals, organizations and schools including Wichita Area Technical College as they energetically moved along the River Festival Sundown Parade route. Over 60 WATC Faculty, Staff, and Students gathered to show our FABULOUS school spirit and display to the public for the first time our refreshing new logo, school colors, and of course our totally awesome custom Pirate Ship made exclusively for the 2010 River Festival! Our Pirate Ship was built from scratch by our highly skilled and creative instructional staff. Quite a few of our students at our Grove Campus also jumped in and helped out on the project. Stay tuned to for pictures documenting the building of the WATC Pirate Ship from beginning to completion. I as well as the rest of our crew that participated were so super excited to hear as our float pulled back into the staging area that we won "Best Use Of Theme" for this year's event! If you were unable to catch us at the Sundown Parade, check out this video. Go Team WATC!!!!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wichita Area Technical College - Health Sciences Fair at Southside Education Center

Hi-dee-ho Blog Buddies!

Tuesday April 13, 2010 Wichita Area Technical College hosted its Health Sciences Education Fair. We had a wonderful event! Students visited with Health Science Instructors, Admissions, Learner Success, and Financial Aid Representatives. Thank you to everyone who attend as well as our Faculty who worked so hard on their presentations and information available to students. Gooooo WATC Team! 



Saturday, April 3, 2010

Virtual Paint Simulator Technology At Wichita Area Technical College

Hi Blog Buddies!
This past week and this upcoming week Wichita Area Technical College has and will be hosting a couple Board of Education meetings for the Towanda Board of Education at our National Center for Aviation Training. Last Wednesday while visiting with various folks from Towanda and getting caught up with a few instructors I don't get to see on a daily basis, I had an opportunity to experience one of the latest pieces of technology to come on board at WATC...Our Virtual Paint Training Simulator! One word... AMAZING! With a little explanation from Jon Pine, Senior Learning Officer and Kevin Henning, Adjunct Instructor, I thought it would be fun to see how challenging it actually was and gave it a shot. Needless to say, I would need quite a bit more practice before I could be certified "Obviously", but it was fun and very interesting and wanted to give you a little glimpse at this AMAZING new technology. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Top 10 Reasons To Get Back To School After Spring Break!

Hi Blog Buddies!
As we all gear up and the excitment builds for our Spring Break, now is the time to pre-plan things we need to focus on after the trips are over and crazy Spring Break Activities come to an end. Remember that Wichita Area Technical College is currently enrolling for 2nd 8 week classes as well as our Summer Term. Fall enrollment will begin mid April so now is the time to be scheduling an appointment with your Academic Advisor or Career Planner. I look forward to seeing you soon! Be safe out there! :)

Check out this awesome clip that our Retention Team at Wichita Area Techncial College Put Together!  AMAZING work guys and gals!  :)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Romy and Michelle Lovers Check This Out!

My friend Vanessa and I performing the dance from Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion in the first club scene of the movie!  What a hoot!  It only took us forever to learn it.  Special thanks to our friend Andrew who is our Video Guy.. and also great at the dance as well!  LOL!  So check us out and leave lots of comments, ha!  Have a great week blog buddies!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

6th Annual WATC/BSA Merit Badge College

 Saturday February 20, 2010, over 400 Boyscouts/Leaders/and Volunteers gathered at Wichita Area Technical Colleges Grove and Southside Center Campuses for 2010 Merit Badge College.  What an AMAZING day!  I dont think there was one single spot in either the Southside Center or Grove Campuses that did not have a cool class of some sort going on.  What an fun experience to be involved in this event that has taken place over the past 6 years at Wichita Area Technical College.  Kuddos to our WATC team for jumping in and volunteering to help this event take place successfully.  Check out pictures below in slideshow presentation.  GO TEAM!!!!!!!